...can be a magical day when you're a kid. We raked leaves today - a Minnesotan fall tradition before the snow starts falling - and the kids had a blast.
I never had to rake leaves or had trees that required this kind of maintenance growing up, but clearly I understand the joy that a "larger than life" pile of leaves can bring. It is such a blessing to have these moments with our children. To see them happy and unashamed of their undeniable joy, kids have the freedom to enjoy the world on a level that seems far away from adulthood. Not oppressed by deadlines or external pressures, they run free and wild through their childhood.
God's grace and mercy is infinite. And, I long for my children to someday understand that the treasures stored for them in heaven and the inheritance that Jesus has promised them will bring this kind of joy: a joy that is undeniable and permeates from their very soul. A joy like they felt as children on a fall day with a pile of leaves.
Marathon training: Rest day, 21 mi this week, 53.5 mi total
Kenya: 131 days