...so I haven't posted in forever. Too much going on catch everyone up but some of it's been great, some has been frustrating and some has been really sad.
Like most days, today had a high and a low. Speaking of highs, temperatures in The Roch reached the high 20s or low 30s today it what has been an extremely warm winter for us. I thought I'd take advantage and run outside today. As I headed toward my regular route, it became apparent that state trails for running in the summer were snow pack trails for snow "machines" (thanks SP) in the winter. I figured, what the heck and ran on the hardpack. Turns out running in the snow is actually pretty fun, the most fun I've had in a while...well at least since taking Evan skiing on Sunday. I almost felt like a kid again. The shorts were okay but next time I need to remember gloves.
On the low side, I put in a ceiling fan in the bedroom the last couples days. It was awesome: wired in a new switch, spent some time in the attic running the wire, punched a hole in the ceiling, placed a fan mount and assembled the fan (all while Evan was "helping"). Turn the switch and nothing happened. Guess I have something to do tomorrow now.
Marathon training: 4 miles in the snow today (13 mi this week, 81 mi last 4 weeks)
Kenya: Leave in 21 days